Lilly and I had fun putting morning glories on our noses. Lucy is allergic to them so she couldn't join in the flowery fun.
Phillip hung a tire swing for the kids. They run to it every time they come over. It looks like so much fun.
I found a chalkboard at the thrift store. We put it on the carport, and drawing on it is one of Jonas's favorite things to do.
Our neighbor has given us bags and bags of apples and one of the things we've done is dehydrate some of them. Jars of dried apples always remind me of my Grandma Brown. When I was a little girl, she caught me sneaking slices of her dried apples. She told me that if I kept eating them, they'd swell up in my stomach and I'd die. I still feel a little uneasy about eating dried apples, but they're really good in oatmeal.
Phillip used a cutting board to make a stand for my Kindle. I use it in the kitchen a lot, and this is really handy. He's an all-round handy guy to have around.