Monday, December 15, 2014


Our annual family camping trip took place in October and November.  The November part wasn't as stormy as the October part.  It was colder but we all managed to stay warm and have a good time.

 Jennifer and Jason cooked a delicious supper one night in their Dutch oven.

 Lilly and Lucy always like to keep their hair braided when we go camping.  It's easy to care for and they look really pretty.

Lilly found some hickory nuts and Phillip cracked them for her.  

 Lilly and Rachel staying warm around the fire.

 We went adventuring one Saturday.  This is Caesar's Head State Park in South Caroling.  I see more of a monkey's head or a dog's head in this rock formation but I guess someone saw Caesar's head.

The views from the observation points were beautiful. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

October Adventures

I am really, really late with the post for October.  There's no excuse.  I just couldn't get motivated to do it.  

We started the month with my 60th birthday on October 2.  It's weird being 60.  The other day I was listening to a news report about an accident, and the reporter referred to the victim as "elderly."  The man was 62.  From my point of view, this fellow wasn't elderly at all.  He was just getting started.  But I am so blessed to be this age, to see my children and grandchildren.  I don't deserve any of these blessings.  It's all the grace of God and I am thankful.
 I'm wearing the beautiful gloves that Hannah gave me for my birthday.  They are the perfect gift for me.  

 We visited the Natural Bridge in Virginia where a chunk of rock fell off and almost hit us.  That didn't happen 42 years ago when we were there on our honeymoon.  I guess the bridge is aging and getting a little shaky, just like we are.

We spent some time in Radford to see our Virginia girls, Jaclyn and Emily and their families.  Caleb celebrated his 14th birthday.  That's almost as hard to grasp as my 60th birthday.  He's grown into a young man so quickly.  I didn't take any pictures.  The boys have gotten camera shy as they've gotten older, which I completely understand.

 Our Lucy girl spent the night with us.  She is playing games on my Kindle and eating bunches of candy.  We used our new patio for the first time.  We roasted hot dogs and marshmallows.  I hope Lucy had a good time; we certainly did.

Laura got a new car.  Her old one finally gave up.  It was a good car and she drove it a long time.  I hope this one gives her that kind of service.

Hannah grew pumpkins this year.  She carved one to take on our camping trip.  This is the beginning.

And this is the result.  She did a great job on this little owl.

We ended the month with our annual family camping trip at Kings Mountain State Park.  If you're from this area, you may remember that there was a significant storm on Oct. 31.  This picture shows our attempts to stay dry.  Since it almost always rains on our camping trips, we should have been better prepared, but we survived and had a good time.

Friday, October 3, 2014


We started September with a beach vacation. 

The NC Aquarium featured a butterfly exhibit.  It's hard to see in this picture but the air was full of butterflies.
There were employees stationed at the exits to be sure no hitchhikers rode out with us.

 Phillip and Hannah on the Southport/Fort Fisher ferry

We celebrated Hannah's 20th birthday. 

We drove to the Blue Ridge Parkway one Saturday.  This beautiful pond was at one of the overlooks.

We went camping to try out our new tent.  It was Lilly's turn to spend the night so she went with us. 

 Work started on the patio.  This is beside the carport at the back of the house.

Beginning in September, Phillip is only working 4 days a week.  He is easing into retirement.  His plan is to retire fully at the end of the year.  I completed my training for the Nursing Home Community Advisory Committee and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to volunteer in this capacity.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Late Post for August

August was a busy month in a lot of ways.  It began with the ceiling fan in Hannah's room overheating one night, so the next day Phillip replaced it. We estimate that the old one had been there since the house was rebuilt after the fire in 1987, so we can't complain too much about it.

The new ceiling fan

Emily and Jon came for a visit, but I didn't even take one picture.  I'm sad about that, but we enjoyed the time with them. 

August was Jonas's month to have a sleepover with us.  It was fun to have him here.  He is growing up so quickly!

Jonas and Phillip getting ready to work outside

I started physical therapy for my shoulder.  It has really helped with the pain.  

Our potato crop was very good this year, but we don't have a way to store them.  I always make fries for the freezer but that takes up a lot of freezer space.  This year I tried canning them.  I've used one quart already, just to see how they keep.  I fried them, and they were as good as frozen.
A few of our potatoes with "personality"

   Canned potatoes

We also canned apples, tomatoes, peaches, rotel, vegetable soup mix, and tomato sauce.  Now the summer garden is winding down.  We've planted cabbages, broccoli, pumpkins, and onions for the fall.  I'm still hoping to get some spinach in the ground before it gets too late. 


Friday, August 1, 2014

A Busy July

We celebrated the Fourth with family, fun, and food.  In the evening, we took our packages of (legal) fireworks to the assisted living facility where Hannah works and shot them off for some of the residents.  Compared to the regular fireworks, it was a pitiful little show but we had so much fun.  The residents really got a kick out of it.

 Since it was a hot day, we had our picnic inside.  Jonas is okay.  He just didn't want his picture taken.

 The ice cream distracted him and he didn't mind having this picture taken.
Lilly really enjoyed her ice cream!

Lucy got soapy on the slip and slide.

 July was Lucy's month to spend the night with us.  She helped  can sweet relish.  She washed the jars,
 helped measure the ingredients,
and stirred it all up.  
She did a great job!

Phillip dug the potatoes.  This year we got more than we did last year.

  I canned tomato sauce, salsa, and green beans.

Barn swallows built a nest in the carport.  It was so much fun to watch them.  Four baby birds hatched and grew up.  These are the last 2 babies trying to get the courage to fly.

Hannah had a Saturday off so we went adventuring.  We happened upon Rose Hill Plantation in SC and had a nice, relaxed day.

Jaclyn, Caleb, Jack, and Sam came for a visit.  We celebrated Sam's seven year, one month, one day birthday.  It was fun to have all the cousins together.

Hannah coordinated an awesome water fight.

So July ended the way it began, with family, fun, and food.