Monday, April 21, 2014


In March, things were a little slow, so .....

I made little socks for the dining room chairs.  They were making black marks on the floors.  I had falsely accused Phillip of doing it with his work boots, but he was not the guilty party.  This stylish chair legwear has solved the problem.  I'm thinking of doing a set of seasonal colors for each month.  

Jonas played with our Mr. Potato Head sets.  

He got a little grumpy.

 He got so grumpy that he had to go to his special grumpy place in the hall.  You'd never believe that seconds before this picture was taken, this precious child was screaming and kicking the walls.  Posing for pictures distracted him from his misery and helped him find his happy mood, which helped the rest of us find our happy moods.  What would we do without our sweet Jonas!  Even when he's grumpy Jonas, he makes us smile.