We bought a climbing dome for the grandkids. Our children had one and they loved playing on it. So far our grandchildren and Mark's grandchildren have enjoyed it.
We celebrated Rachel's birthday. (That's a pretty typical pose for Jimmy.) Lilly and Lucy picked out the cake. It was very good.
We celebrated Jonas's birthday. It's hard to believe that our little man is 3 years old! I wish I had a better picture of the cupcakes. They were "Elmo" cupcakes. Jennifer's mom made them. They were not only really cute but really delicious.
The dogwoods bloomed. Whenever I see the flowers, I remember Mama telling me how they tell the story of the crucifixion. The petals represent the cross, the dark spots on the ends of the petals represent the blood of Christ, and the center represents the crown of thorns.
Hannah dyed Easter eggs. I accidentally bought a different type of egg dying kit, but the eggs turned out beautifully and it was much less of a mess. There were no dye tablets to dissolve in cups of vinegar, just a plastic bag and squeezy color. It was a great idea.
We used one of Mama's tablecloths for Easter dinner.
Hannah, Lilly, and Lucy wore their Easter dresses.
Lilly and Lucy were the only seekers in our egg hunt this year. We ended up with just one unaccounted-for egg. Hannah and Devin finally found it last week. It was the camo egg, so that's probably why it was hard to find.
Mama's irises bloomed. She loved them so much. I try to take good care of them but I don't have her green thumb.
Jason had a birthday, but this is how I celebrated it. I had some sort of cold/flu ailment and I felt so bad that I actually postponed his birthday dinner. As far as I can remember, this is the first time I've ever done that. We did celebrate his birthday, though, just a week or so late.