Our new year started with Abram in the hospital with RSV. We're thankful that he recovered quickly and is fine.
Phillip got a giant tub of pork rinds for Christmas. Jonas enjoyed sharing them.
For the first time in quite a few years, I got a significant hair cut.
Phillip had an appointment with his cardiologist to check the stent in his shoulder. As far as they can tell, it is fine. When we left the doctor's office, the "Hot" light was shining at Krispy Kreme and he couldn't resist. Not the best way to celebrate a good cardiologist visit.
Sam was sick and missed our family Christmas party, so he got a late Christmas present. I love his smile!
Jack's birthday was the 9th and Jaclyn's was the 19th. We were able to take them out for lunch to celebrate. It was a fun day with my favorite January babies.
It snowed, and Phillip and I went walking in the snow together. It was a beautiful snow.
Jonas and Abram stayed with us for a couple of days while the road to Rachel's house was icy. Jonas turned us into robots. His robot hat was too big and mine was too small, but we overcame that obstacle and had a good time.
Lucy spent the night with us in January. She chose Bojangles for breakfast. We couldn't resist the heart shaped biscuits.