Saturday, June 1, 2019

January - April 2019


We've gotten attached to Jonas and Abram's cat, Shadow.

Lilly and I enjoyed a day of shopping and lunch at Subway.

We're thankful that Violet only needs oxygen at night now.

I always enjoy reading with Jonas after school.


Catherine and Thomas enjoyed a playdate while Violet was at therapy.

Abram is always an exuberant little guy. 

Emily and Catherine visited a dear friend.


Lucy spent a day with us. She loved the daffodils.

Jonas modeled his outfit for crazy dress up day at school.

Phillip got his gardening started.

We visited this old stone bridge in South Carolina. It made a nice day trip.

April - a very busy month

Thomas celebrated his 2nd birthday.

Thomas paid a visit to a dear friend.

We had our traditional Easter egg hunt for the grandchildren.

Jonas celebrated his 8th birthday.

Violet had an EEG which confirmed the cerebral palsy diagnosis, but her outlook is very good.

We ended April by celebrating Rachel's and Jason's birthdays.

may 2019 gardens

Somehow we bought the wrong type of peas. We usually plant sugar snaps, fat sweet peas that are delicious straight from the garden. This year we had a flatter pea that wasn't as sweet. It may be a type of snow pea.

The strawberries have done really well. We've enjoyed picking and eating them right in the garden.  They're favorites of the grandchildren.

The tomatoes are in the ground and mulched with pine needles.



This year's experiment - cucamelons




squash in cups ready to be planted in the garden

Green beans planted but not showing yet. Peppers in pots

peppers and tomatillos






bush tomatoes


more tomatoes

asparagus - already harvested

We also planted oregano, mint, wildflowers, okra, and corn.