Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Random Facts from our Day

Today is Tuesday.  I had to think about that for a moment.  I wasn't sure.

We all have colds.  It sounds like a cough convention in this house.

I went grocery shopping, not my favorite thing.  But ice cream was bogo so I did (buy one and get one, I mean) and we're having ice cream right now. Thanks to this cold, I can't really taste it, though.

I didn't cook supper.  We ate leftovers from the refrigerator:  sweet potatoes, gravy, peas, and an Italian chicken pasta dish that Jennifer brought over the other day.  Jennifer's dish was the favorite. 

Our library books are due tomorrow.  We've already renewed them once online so we can't do that again.  We'll have to return them or pay the fines. 

Our camping trip was fun, in spite of the rain.  We have pictures and someday we'll post them, maybe.

I had 2 black bananas lurking in the kitchen so I baked banana oatmeal muffins.  I had oatmeal I needed to use up, too, so that killed 2 birds with one stone. They're pretty good. Phillip ate 2.

Laura had a good visit with my mom this morning.  I feel encouraged for the first time in quite a while.  We hoping to get a recliner to put in her room so she has somewhere comfortable to sit.  She's either in bed or in her wheelchair most of the time.

The ticking clocks in here are driving me crazy.  It's not a comforting sound to me.  It sounds like a timer ticking down.  I feel like I either need to hurry and finish some undefined task or get out quickly because something is going to explode.

Last random fact:  Our jack-o-lantern is still on the front porch.  My goal is to put it in the compost pile before Thanksgiving.


  1. Now all I'm going to hear is the clocks ticking. Thanks Mom. :)

  2. Time is like a slow moving steam power Train, its hard to notice movement at times but as long as there smoke & fire your OK.
