Since I've been making my laundry soap for a while, I decided to try making dishwasher detergent. The first batch was supposed to be powder but it hardened to cement. I had to chop it out of the jar piece by piece with an ice pick. Before making the second batch, I did a little more internet research and found a hint to mold it in ice cube trays. It worked better, but it took 3 days to dry, the cubes were a little too big for my dishwasher dispenser cup, and it seems that the glassware is looking cloudy. I'm back to commercial dishwasher detergent.
We grew watermelons! We are usually successful with green beans and such but not watermelons. This year has been the year of the watermelon.
Caleb, Jack, Sam, and Jaclyn came to visit. Of course we made our grandsons pick beans. What you can't see from this picture is that it was raining. We earned extra grandparent points for making them pick beans in the rain! We canned the beans they picked so at least they get to eat the fruit of their labors.
Jack and Michael cooked supper for us. It was delicious! Jack also baked his famous, best in the world brownies. There's no picture of the brownies because when Jack bakes brownies, nobody is thinking about taking a picture of them. We're only thinking about eating them.
Caleb and I proved to be an unbeatable team at Taboo. Hannah and Jack never stood a chance against us. There were some accusations of cheating, but Caleb and I didn't need to cheat to beat.
We made ice cream every day they were here. Sam is watching the ice cream maker at work. Each of the boys chose a flavor. On Sam's night I did something wrong and we ended up with more of a Frosty texture instead, so Sam got two ice cream nights. There were no complaints.
I love Taboo! Looks like y'all had a fantastic visit. :)