Tuesday, April 30, 2013

In April

We celebrated birthdays.

Rachel's - obviously not a current photo


Jason - another photo from a birthday long past

                                                                          I bought new cookware.  I love the way it stacks together so neatly.

Phillip worked in the gardens,

and things are growing.

See the baby broccoli!  We've never grown broccoli before.  This may be the entire harvest but we're very pleased with it.

Mama's irises bloomed.  They smell so sweet.

I finished copying the book of Joshua. I started in December.  One of my goals is to copy the whole Bible before I die.  I have a tendency to read things very quickly.  Copying scripture word for word is a way to force myself to slow down and really see what it's saying.  It's one of the best things I've ever done.

I got a new sewing machine, but I really miss my old one.  Jaclyn had given it to me and it was the best machine I've ever used.  I knew it and it knew me and we got along well.  One day it just stopped.  Since I was in the middle of sewing dresses to send to the mission in Haiti, I feel that it gave its life in service to the Lord.  This new one has quite a lot to live up to.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Legendary Chocolate Bunny Heist of 1989

Jason was apparently trying to convince either Jaclyn or Rachel to share their candy.  Emily, holding her bunny, was looking quite concerned.

Jason was searching his empty box for a few last crumbs of his chocolate bunny, which he had already devoured.  Emily unwrapped hers and seemed to be pleased with it.

Jason reached around and took Emily's bunny.  He took a big bite of it before I could intervene.  Emily was really, really, really upset.

 Jaclyn and Rachel enjoyed their bunnies.
Laura enjoyed her bunny.(She was a baby.  She apparently didn't get a big one.)

No more pictures of Jason or Emily.  Emily was inconsolable and Jason was banished. I don't remember what his exact punishment was but I'm sure it was designed to instill character.  It seems to have been effective because, as far as I know, he never took another chocolate bunny away from a small child.

And that's the way it happened, a few days after Easter, 1989.  We have the pictures to prove it.