Saturday, May 27, 2017

May Gardens

 Corn and Okra
This year we're trying "the three sisters" technique.  We planted white half runner beans and kershaw melons among the corn.  Later we'll plant pumpkins.  The theory is that the corn provides a place for the beans to run.  The bean vines make the corn stalks stronger and add nitrogen to the soil.  The melon vines are a natural mulch for the corn and the beans. We're interested to see how it works out.

Bush beans
I prefer them to white half runners because they're easier to pick and easier to prepare.  

 Sage, cilantro, basil, and parsley

 We pulled up the sugar snap peas and planted cantaloupe.


The corn isn't looking good.  Phillip researched it and it looks like it has something called Stewart's Wilt. This year he planted a different variety of corn and his research said that this one was susceptible to this bacterial disease.  We'll see how the crop does.

 The onion bed with several volunteer tomatoes

 Sweet peppers

These buckets are planted with squash.

 This one is planted with cucumbers.  The plan is for the vines to run up the old bed frame.


We added a new bed this year.  The corner of it is barely visible at the top right of the picture.  We're still picking a few but the season is almost over.
I thought we lost the lavender when we moved it from the big bed but it seems to be coming up well. There's a random garlic plant growing in the back, and Phillip planted a fig bush in the middle.
All the bushes have at least one blueberry.  We're trying to prepare for the onslaught of birds when they ripen.

 This is the estabalished fig bush. 

 This fig bush was planted in the fall.  Phillip planted 3 and this one is doing best.  

Phillip built a nice arbor for the grape vines.  



Thursday, May 11, 2017

April 2017

Our family began this month by welcoming a new arrival.  
Thomas Nathaniel Worley was born April 1.  Thomas is our 9th grandchild.  

We celebrated Rachel's birthday on April 2. 

April is filled with family birthdays.  Jonas turned 6 on April 12.  We had fun celebrating with him.

Easter Pictures

Lilly and Lucy


Jason, Abram and Jonas

Michael, Hannah, and Thomas

All of Mama's peonies bloomed beautifully this year.  Last year they didn't bloom at all so we especially enjoyed these flowers.

The carport build-in is progressing. 

Jonas started karate lessons, a birthday gift from his mom and dad.

It was Lucy's turn for a sleepover.  She wanted to bake banana bread, so that's what we baked.  We used her Aunt Jaclyn's recipe and made a delicious loaf.