Friday, June 16, 2017

June Gardens

The corn is tasseling and the okra is growing.  Phillip took the cardboard from the kitchen cabinets and put them between the okra rows to keep the weeds under control.

The cantaloupes are getting started and the potatoes are almost ready to dig.

 The herbs
I've dehydrated some already and they need cutting again.

Phillip really likes these black eyed susans.  They're growing outside the flower garden but he won't mow them down.

I can see these lilies and hanging baskets from my kitchen window.  They are so pretty.  The baskets are all volunteers from last year. 




 Green Beans - We have little beans!

 Strawberries - We're still getting a few strawberries every couple of days. The blueberries are doing well, too. 


 Horrors!  There's a Japanese beetle on the scuppernongs.

Phillip built a new arbor for the grapes.  They seem to be very happy with it.  

Wednesday, June 14, 2017

May 2017

Since we'll be moving into the addition sometime this summer, I've been trying to finish some projects that have languished in the spare room.  Hannah's picnic blanket was first on my list.  

 Thomas turned 1 month old on May 1.   

Phillip found a huge snakeskin in the garden.  Jonas appreciated it more than I did.  

We had a late birthday dinner for Jennifer and Jason.  Both of them had April birthdays but we had to work the celebration in a little late.

The kids played the jellybean game.  Lilly chose very carefully. She got a good flavor every time.

The other players were not so fortunate. 

These two got ready for summer!

The addition is taking shape.