Thursday, February 2, 2017

January 2017

My mom loved calendars.  Every year she bought several and she kept almost every one.  A few years ago I discovered that I could find the past year whose dates coincided with the current year and reuse some of Mom's calendars.  This year it is 1995's calendar.  It brings back sweet memories.

Jonas had his sleepover this month. We dug out our old game of Kerplunk.  Jonas wasn't a fan after he realized that the one with the most marbles was not the winner, but it was fun playing with him.

We were able to spend a couple of days in Virginia helping with Catherine.   She is thriving and growing. 

 Our washer sprung a "flood the laundry room" sized leak.  We used every towel we had to stop the flood.  Since I use my steam mop, we don't own a regular mop.  Maybe I need to keep one for times like this.  Phillip was able to fix it but it was a mess!

Abram spent a day with us. He is growing up so fast and becoming  quite a climber.  

Hannah's last day of work was January 30.  Her co-workers gave her a very nice baby shower.  She's going to continue working  PRN, filling in when they need her until the baby is born.