Monday, November 25, 2013

Lilly's Dragon Spends the Night

Lilly's dragon had an accidental sleepover at our house last night.  I thought it would be interesting to show what a dragon does when he sleeps over.

He has a snack.

 He plays games on the computer.

He helps work the puzzle.

He reads the newspaper.  The comics were his favorite section.

He says "Goodnight" to his favorite person.

This dragon is safely back at home now.  He missed Lilly but he had a good time at our sleepover.  Since he is such a good dragon, he is welcome at our house anytime.

Thursday, November 14, 2013


Hannah made these cupcakes for my 59th birthday on October 2. 

Phillip took a vacation day and we went to the mountains.  This picture was taken at the Lake Lure Flower Bridge, one of our new favorite places.

We sent a box of soft dolls to Haiti.

 We picked the last of the summer flowers.

Jonas ate a banana worm.

We put the summer gardens to rest,

and planted the fall gardens.

 I got a double-yolker.  

October was quite a month!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

40 Years

October 19, 1973
And Then - - -

Jason Michael

Jaclyn Diane

Rachel Hope

Emily Caroline

Laura Christine

Hannah Grace
And Then - - -

Jason and Jennifer Robinson

Jaclyn and Daniel Frankenberger

Rachel and Jimmy Isbill

Emily and Jon Thomasson

Laura and Michael Henshaw
And Then - - -

Caleb Frankenberger

Jack Frankenberger

Lilly Isbill

Sam Frankenberger

Lucy Isbill

Jonas Robinson
And Now - - -

October, 2013

What's Next?
We don't know, but we trust God that the next ?? years will be as exciting and blessed as the past 40 have been.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Lake Lure Flowering Bridge

Phillip took a vacation day on Friday and we went to the mountains.  We found this delightful place in Lake Lure, the Lake Lure Flowering Bridge.  When a new bridge was built, the community got together and turned the old bridge into a garden.  It was a wonderful place to explore, exactly the kind of garden I'd plant if I had the expertise and creativity.  We couldn't figure out how we didn't notice this when we were there in March for Laura's wedding.  When we read the literature, we realized that it wasn't planted until April so the plantings are very recent. 

Notice the mirror in this picture.  

This planter was in the tropical garden.  It's made from an old tire cut and painted to look like a parrot.

Every garden had its own "gardener," characters made of pumpkins and gourds.  

This guy was our favorite.

This one is for Lilly, who loves fairies.  I doubt if this kind of fairy has visited her fairy garden at home, but she seems happy in her Lake Lure fairy garden.

Saturday, October 12, 2013


September at our house -

 Lilly lost another tooth.  She pulled it herself with some coaching from her Pom-Pom.

My great-nephew Devin picked roses for me.  He was really proud of them.

We celebrated Hannah's 19th birthday with Krispy Kreme doughnuts.

 Lucy took our pictures.

We visited Jaclyn and Emily in Virginia.  This is Phillip and Sam.  The older boys had a busy weekend and we didn't get any pictures of them, but we did get to see them.  Emily had to work but we got a brief visit with her, too.  No pictures, though.

 Jaclyn and Daniel

Sam sent some of his toys for Jonas to have.  We kept some of them at our house so he would have more boy stuff to play with.  You are witnessing a battle between Woody and Batman. It wasn't nearly as vicious as the Barbie battles he used to mastermind.



Monday, September 16, 2013


Jonas helped his grandpa pick watermelons.  There was a small misunderstanding, though. Immediately after I snapped this picture, he threw the watermelon on the floor.  It didn't bounce the way he thought it would, but that's okay.  We ate it anyway.

 Lilly and I had fun putting morning glories on our noses.  Lucy is allergic to them so she couldn't join in the flowery fun.

Phillip hung a tire swing for the kids.  They run to it every time they come over.  It looks like so much fun. 
 I found a chalkboard at the thrift store.  We put it on the carport, and drawing on it is one of  Jonas's favorite things to do.
 Our neighbor has given us bags and bags of apples and one of the things we've done is dehydrate some of them.  Jars of dried apples always remind me of my Grandma Brown.  When I was a little girl, she caught me sneaking slices of her dried apples.  She told me that if I kept eating them, they'd swell up in my stomach and I'd die.  I still feel a little uneasy about eating dried apples, but they're really good in oatmeal.

Phillip used a cutting board to make a stand for my Kindle.  I use it in the kitchen a lot, and this is really handy.  He's an all-round handy guy to have around.