Wednesday, April 11, 2018

February/March 2018

We've been waging a long standing battle against fire ants.  On the Mother Earth News website, we have finally found a concoction that works well.  The magic formula is 1 1/2 ounces of orange oil (which we order from Amazon), 3 ounces of Dawn, and 1 gallon of water.  We check for new activity about once a week and respray if we see anything, but it seems to work better than anything else we've tried.

We were able to go to Jonas's school play about outer space. He did a great job.

Abram had a good time watching his big brother.

Emily and Jon moved back to Gastonia and we're enjoying have them close by.  

Thomas tried his hand at climbing the rope ladder.  He can't quite manage it yet but it won't be long before he'll figure it out.

Phillip enjoyed helping Jonas use his power tools. 

Jonas wasn't too impressed with the old-fashioned hand tools.